Directorty Opus 5 - Magellan
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* Directory Opus 5 ARexx Routines *
; Directory Opus 5 Subroutines. ;
;DO5_GetSource ; Get first source handle.
;DO5_GetDest ; Get first destination handle.
;DO5_GetPath ; Get the path of a lister.
;DO5_GetFSelDir ; Get first selected directory in a lister.
;DO5_GetFSelEnt ; Get first selected entry in a lister.
;DO5_SetPath ; Set (read) a new path into a lister.
;DO5_Refesh ; Refresh a lister.
;DO5_Select ; (De)select a lister entry.
;DO5_NewLister ; Open a new lister.
;DO5_ListerSet ; Generic "Lister Set..." routine.
;DO5_Command ; Generic "command..." routine.
;DO5_GenError ; Error message for things which really shouldn't go wrong.
;DO5_ListerWait ; Wait for a lister to finish what it's doing.
;DO5_DOpusFront ; Move the DOpus screen to the front, unless "NoFront/S"
;DO5_ListClose ; Close a lister (does "wait" first).
; Include ASM:Source/Routines/DOpus5_ARexx.s
IFD DO5_GetSource
*= Get Source Handle =**************************************************= 9-Sep-1995 =*
* Inputs: Source_Handle(a5) - Buffer of length #Source_HandleLen.w bytes. *
* d0 - #0 = Error message and abort if no lister. *
* #1 = Open a new source lister if there isn't one. *
* Buffer2(a5) - May be used as temp storage. *
* Outputs: Source_Handle(a5) - Contains ONE ASCII source handle. *
* Notes: Buffer Overflow will cause program to abort. *
*= Get Source Handle To Buffer =****************************************= 9-Sep-1995 =*
* Inputs: (a1) - Buffer to write source handle into. *
* d7.w - Size of buffer. *
IFND DO5_GetSource_OnlyToBuffer
Lea Source_Handle(a5),a1
Move.w #Source_HandleLen,d7
Movem.l a1/d7,-(SP) Preserve buffer/size to write into.
Lea Get_Source_Command(pc),a1 Get string of source handle(s)
Move.l d0,-(SP) Preserve opennew-switch
Bsr FillAndSendNudelRexxMsg Send it off.
Move.l (SP)+,d0 Restore opennew-switch
Move.l NudelRexxMsg(a5),a0 -.
Tst.l rm_Result1(a0) |- If RC != 0, "No source lister"
Bne.s No_Source_Error -'
Tst.l rm_Result2(a0) -._ Also, make sure we got a
Beq.s No_Source_Error -' string in Result2.
;;;;;;; Note: Opus puts a space after the first handle, even if there is only one.
;;;;;;; Note: We must copy the rm_Result2 field, as it may not be modified and cannot
;;;;;;; be used after another RexxMsg has been sent.
Move.l rm_Result2(a0),a0 Returned string of lister handles to a0.
Move.b #" ",d0 End copy on a space (after 1st handle).
Movem.l (SP)+,a1/d7 Restore buffer/size to write into.
Bra CopyChr_Null Copy null-term until space.
;;;;;;; RTS for us.
;;;;;;; Buffer_Overflow and null-termination handled automatically.
;;;;;;; Now we have _one_ source handle, null-terminated, in Source_Handle(a5).
Tst.l d0
Beq.s No_Source_Error_Error If OpenNew switch off, send error msg.
BTst #SF1_NewListers,STD_F_1(a5)
Beq.s No_Source_Error_Error If OpenNew not allowed, send error msg.
Cmpi.l #1,d0 -._ Internal error if didn't
Bne Internal -' get either #0 or #1.
Movem.l (SP)+,a2/d7 Restore buffer/size to write into.
;;;;;;; Note: Buffer pointer is in a2 now, as required, not a1.
Move.l a2,-(SP) Save it again.
Sub.l a0,a0 No path.
Move.l a0,a1 Default size.
Bsr NewLister Open new lister
Move.l (SP)+,a0 Lister Handle -> (a0).
Lea Set_Source_SubCommand(pc),a1 "Source"
Sub.l a2,a2 No second argument.
Bra ListerSet lister set source.
;;;;;;; RTS for us.
BSet #SF1_ErrorDop,STD_F_1(a5) Send next error message to DOpus5-req.
Moveq #0,d1 -._ No string returned
N_CallDOS SetIoErr -' by Fault().
Bra_ErrorE ErrAct_NoSource(pc),#0
Dc.b "lister query source",0
Dc.b "You must have a SOURCE lister!",0
IFD DO5_GetDest
*= Get Dest Handle =****************************************************= 9-Sep-1995 =*
* Inputs: Dest_Handle(a5) - Buffer of length #Dest_HandleLen.w bytes. *
* d0 - #0 = Error message and abort if no lister. *
* #1 = Open a new destination lister if there isn't one. *
* Buffer2(a5) - May be used as temp storage. *
* Outputs: Dest_Handle(a5) - Contains ONE ASCII dest handle. *
* Notes: Buffer Overflow will cause program to abort. *
*= Get Dest Handle To Buffer =******************************************= 9-Sep-1995 =*
* Inputs: (a1) - Buffer to write dest handle into. *
* DO NOT USE Buffer2(a5)! *
* d7.w - Size of buffer. *
IFND DO5_GetDest_OnlyToBuffer
Lea Dest_Handle(a5),a1
Move.w #Dest_HandleLen,d7
Movem.l a1/d7,-(SP) Preserve buffer/size to write into.
Lea Get_Dest_Command(pc),a1 Get string of dest handle(s)
Move.l d0,-(SP) Preserve opennew-switch
Bsr FillAndSendNudelRexxMsg Send it off.
Move.l (SP)+,d0 Restore opennew-switch
Move.l NudelRexxMsg(a5),a0 -.
Tst.l rm_Result1(a0) |- If RC != 0, "No dest lister"
Bne.s No_Dest_Error -'
Tst.l rm_Result2(a0) -._ Also, make sure we got a
Beq.s No_Dest_Error -' string in Result2.
Move.l rm_Result2(a0),a0 Returned string of lister handles to a0.
Move.b #" ",d0 End copy on a space (after 1st handle).
Movem.l (SP)+,a1/d7 Restore buffer/size to write into.
Bra CopyChr_Null Copy null-term until space.
;;;;;;; RTS for us.
Tst.l d0
Beq.s No_Dest_Error_Error If OpenNew switch off, send error msg.
BTst #SF1_NewListers,STD_F_1(a5)
Beq.s No_Dest_Error_Error If OpenNew not allowed, send error msg.
Cmpi.l #1,d0 -._ Internal error if didn't
Bne Internal -' get either #0 or #1.
Movem.l (SP)+,a2/d7 Restore buffer/size to write into.
;;;;;;; Note: Buffer pointer is in a2 now, as required, not a1.
Move.l a2,-(SP) Save it again.
Sub.l a0,a0 No path.
Move.l a0,a1 Default size.
Bsr NewLister Open new lister
Move.l (SP)+,a0 Lister Handle -> (a0).
Lea Set_Dest_SubCommand(pc),a1 "Dest"
Sub.l a2,a2 No second argument.
Bra ListerSet lister set dest.
;;;;;;; RTS for us.
BSet #SF1_ErrorDop,STD_F_1(a5) Send next error message to DOpus5-req.
Moveq #0,d1 -._ No string returned
N_CallDOS SetIoErr -' by Fault().
Bra_ErrorE ErrAct_NoDest(pc),#0
Dc.b "lister query dest",0
Dc.b "You must have a DESTINATION lister!",0
IFD DO5_GetPath
*= Get Lister Path =***************************************************= 16-Aug-1995 =*
* Inputs: Buffer2(a5) - Temporary storage. *
* (a0) - Handle to get path of. *
* (a1) - Buffer to write path into. *
* (CAN be Buffer2(a5)) *
* d7.w - Length of (a1) buffer. *
* Outputs: Buffer contains path string. *
* Notes: Buffer Overflow will cause program to abort. *
Movem.l a1/d7,-(SP) Preserve final output buffer/size.
Move.l a0,RDF_1_Long(a5) String ptr to data array for RawDoFmt()
Lea Get_Path_Command(pc),a0 Input string.
Lea RDF_Array(a5),a1 DataArray
Lea Buffer2(a5),a3 -._ Output
Move.l a3,RDF_Adrs(a5) -' Buffer
Move.l #Buffer2Len,RDF_Size(a5) Size of output buffer.
Bsr NudelRawDoFmt
Lea Buffer2(a5),a1 -._ Lister path
Bsr FillAndSendNudelRexxMsg -' -> rm_Result2
Move.l NudelRexxMsg(a5),a0
Tst.l rm_Result1(a0)
Bne.s No_Lister_Path_Error
Tst.l rm_Result2(a0)
Beq.s No_Lister_Path_Error
;;;;;;; Must not use Buffer2(a5) from here on.
Movem.l (SP)+,a1/d7 Restore final output buffer/size.
Move.l rm_Result2(a0),a0 (a0) - Lister path to be copied.
;;;;;;; Move.l a1,a1 Dest buffer
;;;;;;; Move.w d7,d7 Size of dest buffer.
Bsr CopyCNT Copy it, including the null.
Cmpi.w #-1,d7 -._ Abort program on
Beq Buffer_Overflow -' Buffer Overflow.
BSet #SF1_ErrorDop,STD_F_1(a5) Send next error message to DOpus5-req.
Moveq #0,d1 -._ No string returned
N_CallDOS SetIoErr -' by Fault().
Bra_ErrorE ErrAct_GetListerPath(pc),#0
Dc.b "lister query %s path",0
Dc.b "Couldn't get lister path",0
IFD DO5_GetFSelDir
*= Get First Selected Directory Path =*********************************= 18-Aug-1995 =*
* Inputs: Buffer2(a5) - Temporary storage. *
* (a0) - Handle to get first-sel-dir from. *
* (a1) - Buffer to write into. *
* (CAN be Buffer2(a5)) *
* d7.w - Length of (a1) buffer. *
* Outputs: Buffer contains dirname string (quotes stripped). *
* Notes: Buffer Overflow will cause program to abort. *
Movem.l a1/d7,-(SP) Preserve final output buffer/size.
Move.l a0,RDF_1_Long(a5) String ptr to data array for RawDoFmt()
Lea Get_SelDirs_Command(pc),a0 Input string.
Lea RDF_Array(a5),a1 DataArray
Lea Buffer2(a5),a3 -._ Output
Move.l a3,RDF_Adrs(a5) -' Buffer
Move.l #Buffer2Len,RDF_Size(a5) Size of output buffer.
Bsr NudelRawDoFmt
Lea Buffer2(a5),a1 -._ List of selected dir(s)
Bsr FillAndSendNudelRexxMsg -' -> rm_Result2
Move.l NudelRexxMsg(a5),a0
Tst.l rm_Result1(a0)
Bne.s No_SelDirs
Tst.l rm_Result2(a0)
Beq.s No_SelDirs
;;;;;;; Must not use Buffer2(a5) from here on.
Movem.l (SP)+,a1/d7 Restore final output buffer/size.
Move.l rm_Result2(a0),a0 (a0) - Directory name(s)
;;;;;;; Move.l a1,a1 Dest buffer
;;;;;;; Move.w d7,d7 Size of dest buffer.
Cmpi.b #'"',(a0)+ Skip past the first quote.
Bne.s No_SelDirs Error if no quote.
Move.b #'"',d0 End copy at second quote.
Bra CopyChr_Null Copy null-term until quote.
;;;;;;; Buffer_Overflow handled automatically.
;;;;;;; RTS for us.
BSet #SF1_ErrorDop,STD_F_1(a5) Send next error message to DOpus5-req.
Moveq #0,d1 -._ No string returned
N_CallDOS SetIoErr -' by Fault().
Bra_ErrorE ErrAct_GetSelDirs(pc),#0
Dc.b "lister query %s seldirs",0
Dc.b "No selected directory",0
IFD DO5_GetFSelEnt
*= Get First Selected Entry =******************************************= 27-Aug-1995 =*
* Inputs: Buffer2(a5) - Temporary storage. *
* (a0) - Handle to get first-sel-entry from. *
* (a1) - Buffer to write into. *
* (CAN be Buffer2(a5)) *
* d7.w - Length of (a1) buffer. *
* Outputs: Buffer contains entry-name string (quotes stripped). *
* Notes: Buffer Overflow will cause program to abort. *
Movem.l a1/d7,-(SP) Preserve final output buffer/size.
Move.l a0,RDF_1_Long(a5) String ptr to data array for RawDoFmt()
Lea Get_FSelEnt_Command(pc),a0 Input string.
Lea RDF_Array(a5),a1 DataArray
Lea Buffer2(a5),a3 -._ Output
Move.l a3,RDF_Adrs(a5) -' Buffer
Move.l #Buffer2Len,RDF_Size(a5) Size of output buffer.
Bsr NudelRawDoFmt
Lea Buffer2(a5),a1 -._ Name of FIRST selected entry
Bsr FillAndSendNudelRexxMsg -' -> rm_Result2
Move.l NudelRexxMsg(a5),a0
Tst.l rm_Result1(a0)
Bne.s No_SelEnt
Tst.l rm_Result2(a0)
Beq.s No_SelEnt
;;;;;;; Must not use Buffer2(a5) from here on.
Movem.l (SP)+,a1/d7 Restore final output buffer/size.
Move.l rm_Result2(a0),a0 (a0) - Entry name
;;;;;;; Move.l a1,a1 Dest buffer
;;;;;;; Move.w d7,d7 Size of dest buffer.
Cmpi.b #'"',(a0)+ Skip past the first quote.
Bne.s No_SelEnt Error if no quote.
Move.b #'"',d0 End copy at second quote.
Bra CopyChr_Null Copy null-term until quote.
;;;;;;; Buffer_Overflow handled automatically.
;;;;;;; RTS for us.
BSet #SF1_ErrorDop,STD_F_1(a5) Send next error message to DOpus5-req.
Moveq #0,d1 -._ No string returned
N_CallDOS SetIoErr -' by Fault().
Bra_ErrorE ErrAct_GetSelEnt(pc),#0
Dc.b "lister query %s firstsel",0
Dc.b "No selected entry",0
IFD DO5_SetPath
*= Read Lister Path =**************************************************= 24-Sep-1995 =*
* Inputs: Buffer2(a5) - Temporary storage. *
* (a0) - Lister handle. *
* (a1) - Path to read. *
* d0 - #0 = Normal, #1 = "Force" option added. *
* Outputs: Lister reads the new path. *
* Notes: The path is not checked for validity, however DOpus handles this for us. *
Move.l a0,RDF_1_Long(a5) Lister handle.
Move.l a0,-(SP) Preserve lister handle.
Move.l a1,RDF_2_Long(a5) Path to read.
Move.l d0,RDF_3_Long(a5) Clear it, if null.
Beq.s ReadListerPath_S1 If null, leave it cleared (no "force").
Cmpi.l #1,d0 -._ Internal error if
Bne Internal -' not #0 or #1.
Lea Force_SubCommand(pc),a0 -._ Else, append " full"
Move.l a0,RDF_3_Long(a5) -' to the command line.
Lea Set_Path_Command(pc),a0 Input string.
Lea RDF_Array(a5),a1 DataArray
Lea Buffer2(a5),a3 -._ Output
Move.l a3,RDF_Adrs(a5) -' Buffer
Move.l #Buffer2Len,RDF_Size(a5) Size of output buffer.
Bsr NudelRawDoFmt
Lea Buffer2(a5),a1 -._ Read in the
Bsr FillAndSendNudelRexxMsg -' new path.
Move.l NudelRexxMsg(a5),a0
Tst.l rm_Result1(a0)
Bne General_DOpus_Error
Move.l (SP)+,a0 Restore lister handle.
Bra ListerWait Wait for lister to read the path in.
;;;;;;; RTS for us.
Dc.b "lister read %s '%s'%s",0
Dc.b " force",0
IFD DO5_Refesh
*= Lister Refresh =****************************************************= 24-Sep-1995 =*
* Inputs: Buffer2(a5) - Temporary storage. *
* (a0) - Lister handle. *
* d0 - #0 = Normal refresh, #1 = "full" refresh *
* Outputs: Lister is refreshed. *
* Notes: *
Move.l a0,RDF_1_Long(a5) Lister handle.
Move.l d0,RDF_2_Long(a5) Clear it, if null.
Beq.s ListerRefresh_S1 If null, leave it cleared (no "full").
Cmpi.l #1,d0 -._ Internal error if
Bne Internal -' not #0 or #1.
Lea Full_SubCommand(pc),a0 -._ Else, append " full"
Move.l a0,RDF_2_Long(a5) -' to the command line.
Lea Lister_Refresh_Command(pc),a0 Input string.
Lea RDF_Array(a5),a1 DataArray
Lea Buffer2(a5),a3 -._ Output
Move.l a3,RDF_Adrs(a5) -' Buffer
Move.l #Buffer2Len,RDF_Size(a5) Size of output buffer.
Bsr NudelRawDoFmt
Lea Buffer2(a5),a1 -._ Refresh
Bsr FillAndSendNudelRexxMsg -' the lister.
Move.l NudelRexxMsg(a5),a0
Tst.l rm_Result1(a0)
Bne General_DOpus_Error
Dc.b "lister refresh %s%s",0
Dc.b " full",0
IFD DO5_Select
*= Lister Select =*****************************************************= 18-Aug-1995 =*
* Inputs: Buffer2(a5) - Temporary storage. *
* (a0) - Lister handle. *
* (a1) - Name of entry to (de)select. *
* d0 - #0 = deselect, #1 = select. *
* Outputs: Entry is (de)selected. *
* Notes: Lister my be refreshed to display the changes. *
Move.l a0,RDF_1_Long(a5) Lister handle.
Move.l a1,RDF_2_Long(a5) Entry name.
Move.l d0,RDF_3_Long(a5) Select/Deselect.
Lea Lister_Select_Command(pc),a0 Input string.
Lea RDF_Array(a5),a1 DataArray
Lea Buffer2(a5),a3 -._ Output
Move.l a3,RDF_Adrs(a5) -' Buffer
Move.l #Buffer2Len,RDF_Size(a5) Size of output buffer.
Bsr NudelRawDoFmt
Lea Buffer2(a5),a1 -._ (De)Select
Bsr FillAndSendNudelRexxMsg -' the entry.
Move.l NudelRexxMsg(a5),a0
Tst.l rm_Result1(a0)
Bne General_DOpus_Error
Dc.b "lister select %s %s %ld",0
IFD DO5_NewLister
*= New Lister =********************************************************= 18-Aug-1995 =*
* Inputs: NoFront_S(a5) - ReadArgs() switch, if on DOpus5 screen not moved to front. *
* Buffer2(a5) - Temporary storage. *
* a0 - Pointer to Path to read, or NULL. *
* a1 - Pointer to Dimensions string, or NULL. *
* a2 - Pointer to Buffer to write new handle to, or NULL. *
* d7.w - Length of d2-Buffer, if a2 not NULL. *
* Outputs: A new lister is created and it's handle written out to (a2). *
Movem.l a2/d7,-(SP) Preserve buffer to write new handle to.
Movem.l a0/a1,-(SP) Preserve Dimenstions/Path string ptrs.
Bsr DOpusFront Move DOpus screen to front.
Movem.l (SP)+,a0/a1 Restore Dimenstions/Path string ptrs.
Move.l a1,RDF_1_Long(a5) Dimensions string, or null.
;;;;;;; Note: If they didn't give it, nothing will be input here (valid).
Move.l a0,RDF_2_Long(a5) Path string, or null.
;;;;;;; Note: If they didn't give it, nothing will be input here (valid).
Lea Lister_New_Command(pc),a0 Input string.
Lea RDF_Array(a5),a1 DataArray
Lea Buffer2(a5),a3 -._ Output
Move.l a3,RDF_Adrs(a5) -' Buffer
Move.l #Buffer2Len,RDF_Size(a5) Size of output buffer.
Bsr NudelRawDoFmt
Lea Buffer2(a5),a1 -._ Open the new lister.
Bsr FillAndSendNudelRexxMsg -' New-handle -> rm_Result2
Move.l NudelRexxMsg(a5),a0
Tst.l rm_Result1(a0)
Bne.s No_NewLister
Tst.l rm_Result2(a0)
Beq.s No_NewLister
;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -;
Movem.l (SP)+,a2/d7 Restore buffer to write new handle to.
Move.l a2,d0 -._ If null, don't
Tst.l d0 (Just in case)
Beq.s NewLister_Skip_HandleStore -' store the handle.
Move.l NudelRexxMsg(a5),a0 -._ Copy the
Move.l rm_Result2(a0),a0 -' new handle...
Move.l a2,a1 ...to where they asked...
;;;;;;; Move.w d7,d7 ...which is this long.
Bsr CopyCNT -.
Cmpi.w #-1,d7 |- Store the handle.
Beq Buffer_Overflow -'
Move.l NudelRexxMsg(a5),a0 -._ New lister's
Move.l rm_Result2(a0),a0 -' handle...
Bra ListerWait Wait for new lister to be ready.
;;;;;;; RTS for us.
BSet #SF1_ErrorDop,STD_F_1(a5) Send next error message to DOpus5-req.
Moveq #0,d1 -._ No string returned
N_CallDOS SetIoErr -' by Fault().
Bra_ErrorE ErrAct_NewLister(pc),#0
Dc.b 'lister new %s %s',0
Dc.b "Could not open a new lister",0
IFD DO5_ListerSet
*= Lister Set =********************************************************= 18-Aug-1995 =*
* Inputs: (a0) - Lister handle. *
* a1 - Pointer to first command word, or NULL. *
* a2 - Pointer to second command word, or NULL. *
* Outputs: None. *
Move.l a0,RDF_1_Long(a5) Lister handle.
Move.l a1,RDF_2_Long(a5) 1st command word, or NULL.
Move.l a2,RDF_3_Long(a5) 2nd command word, or NULL.
Lea Lister_Set_Command(pc),a0 Input string.
Lea RDF_Array(a5),a1 DataArray
Lea Buffer2(a5),a3 -._ Output
Move.l a3,RDF_Adrs(a5) -' Buffer
Move.l #Buffer2Len,RDF_Size(a5) Size of output buffer.
Bsr NudelRawDoFmt
Lea Buffer2(a5),a1 -._ Do the set
Bsr FillAndSendNudelRexxMsg -' command.
Move.l NudelRexxMsg(a5),a0
Tst.l rm_Result1(a0)
Bne.s General_DOpus_Error
Dc.b 'lister set %s %s %s',0
Dc.b 'dest',0
Dc.b 'source',0
Dc.b 'lock',0
IFD DO5_Command
*= Command =***********************************************************= 27-Dec-1995 =*
* Inputs: (a0) - Lister handle (MUST BE GIVEN! But is not used). *
* a1 - Pointer to first command word, or NULL. *
* a2 - Pointer to second command word, or NULL. *
* Outputs: None. *
Sub.l a0,a0
Move.l a1,RDF_1_Long(a5) 1st command word, or NULL.
Move.l a2,RDF_2_Long(a5) 2nd command word, or NULL.
Lea Command_Command(pc),a0 Input string.
Lea RDF_Array(a5),a1 DataArray
Lea Buffer2(a5),a3 -._ Output
Move.l a3,RDF_Adrs(a5) -' Buffer
Move.l #Buffer2Len,RDF_Size(a5) Size of output buffer.
Bsr NudelRawDoFmt
Lea Buffer2(a5),a1 -._ Do the set
Bsr FillAndSendNudelRexxMsg -' command.
Move.l NudelRexxMsg(a5),a0
Tst.l rm_Result1(a0)
Bne.s General_DOpus_Error
Dc.b 'command %s %s',0
IFD DO5_GenError
*= General DOpus Error ************************************************= 18-Aug-1995 =*
* Notes: This is intended to catch errors which should only occur if the user does *
* something stupid like closes the lister half-way through an operation. *
* In these cases it isn't worth wasting space with an error message *
* describing exactly what was going on. *
BSet #SF1_ErrorDop,STD_F_1(a5) Send next error message to DOpus5-req.
Moveq #0,d1 -._ No string returned
N_CallDOS SetIoErr -' by Fault().
Bra_ErrorE ErrAct_DOpus_General(pc),#0
Dc.b "Something failed which shouldn't have:",10
Dc.b "You're either low on memory or playing with the listers",10
Dc.b "(or there is a bug in "
Dc.b ")",0
IFD DO5_ListerWait
*= Lister Wait =*******************************************************= 19-Aug-1995 =*
* Inputs: (a0) - Lister handle. *
* Outputs: Waits for lister to become non-busy. *
* Notes: If non-busy to start with, waits up to two seconds for it to become busy. *
Move.l a0,RDF_1_Long(a5)
Lea Lister_Wait_Command(pc),a0 Input string.
Lea RDF_Array(a5),a1 DataArray
Lea Buffer2(a5),a3 -._ Output
Move.l a3,RDF_Adrs(a5) -' Buffer
Move.l #Buffer2Len,RDF_Size(a5) Size of output buffer.
Bsr NudelRawDoFmt
Lea Buffer2(a5),a1 -._ Copy the
Bsr FillAndSendNudelRexxMsg -' lister.
Move.l NudelRexxMsg(a5),a0
Tst.l rm_Result1(a0)
Bne General_DOpus_Error
Dc.b 'lister wait %s',0
IFD DO5_DOpusFront
*= DOpus Front =*******************************************************= 19-Aug-1995 =*
* Inputs: NoFront_S(a5) - If set, routine is skipped. *
* Outputs: DOpus screen moved to front. *
Tst.l NoFront_S(a5) -._ If they asked for the screen
Bne.s NewLister_NoFront -' to be left, leave it alone.
Lea Dopus_Front_Command(pc),a1 -._ Else, pop
Bsr FillAndSendNudelRexxMsg -' it to front.
;;;;;;; Note: Dopus_Front_Command is part of the System.s/Error routine.
Move.l NudelRexxMsg(a5),a0
Tst.l rm_Result1(a0)
Bne General_DOpus_Error
IFD DO5_ListClose
*= Lister Close =******************************************************= 27-Dec-1995 =*
* Inputs: (a0) - Lister handle. *
* Outputs: Waits for lister to become non-busy and then closes it. *
* Notes: If non-busy to start with, waits up to two seconds for it to become busy. *
Move.l a0,-(SP) Preserve lister handle.
Bsr.s ListerWait Wait for lister to become non-busy.
Move.l (SP)+,a0 Restore lister handle.
Move.l a0,RDF_1_Long(a5) Lister handle for RawDoFmt()
Lea Lister_Close_Command(pc),a0 Input string.
Lea RDF_Array(a5),a1 DataArray
Lea Buffer2(a5),a3 -._ Output
Move.l a3,RDF_Adrs(a5) -' Buffer
Move.l #Buffer2Len,RDF_Size(a5) Size of output buffer.
Bsr NudelRawDoFmt
Lea Buffer2(a5),a1 -._ Copy the
Bsr FillAndSendNudelRexxMsg -' lister.
Move.l NudelRexxMsg(a5),a0
Tst.l rm_Result1(a0)
Bne General_DOpus_Error
Dc.b 'lister close %s',0